Subasta Especial de Libros Antiguos y Contemporáneos
Morton Subastas
Price | Bid Increment |
MXN$0 | MXN$100 |
MXN$1,000 | MXN$200 |
MXN$1,200 | MXN$300 |
MXN$1,500 | MXN$300 |
MXN$1,800 | MXN$200 |
MXN$2,000 | MXN$200 |
MXN$2,200 | MXN$300 |
MXN$2,500 | MXN$300 |
MXN$2,800 | MXN$200 |
MXN$3,000 | MXN$200 |
MXN$3,200 | MXN$300 |
MXN$3,500 | MXN$300 |
MXN$3,800 | MXN$200 |
MXN$4,000 | MXN$200 |
MXN$4,200 | MXN$300 |
MXN$4,500 | MXN$300 |
MXN$4,800 | MXN$200 |
MXN$5,000 | MXN$500 |
MXN$10,000 | MXN$1,000 |
MXN$20,000 | MXN$2,000 |
MXN$50,000 | MXN$5,000 |
MXN$100,000 | MXN$10,000 |
MXN$500,000 | MXN$50,000 |
MXN$1,000,000 | MXN$100,000 |
Algunos autores y títulos: Raquel Vicedo (Traducción) “Jimi Hendrix, Empezar de Cero”; Tony Sánchez “Yo Fui el Camello de Keith Richards”; Bruce Springsteen “Born to Run; Anthony DeCurtis “Lou Reed a Life”; Pauline Butcher “Freak Out! My Life with Frank Zappa”; Bill Minutaglio “The Most Dangerous Man in America”; Jon Savage “1966 the Year the Decade Exploded”; Emmett Grogan “RingoLevio”; Simon Reynolds “Postpunk Romper Todo y Empezar de Nuevo”; Philip Glass “Palabras sin Música”; Martin Iddon “New Music Darmstadt”; Ian Carr “Miles Davis la Biografía Definitiva”; Michael Lang “The Road to Woodstock”; Patti Smith “Devoción”; Ulrich Adelt “German Music in the Seventies Krautrock”; Jim Morrison “Una Oración Americana”. Encuadernados en pasta dura y en rústica. Piezas: 30.
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